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Annual Reports 2022-2023

Text Box: Since its establishment in 1954, the work of Haemophilia Foundation Victoria (HFV) has been built around working together to achieve the extraordinary.  Our mission - to connect, support and empower the bleeding disorder community in Victoria.

Who do we represent?

  • people in Victoria living with a diagnosed and undiagnosed bleeding disorder
  • people in Victoria who are partners, family or carers of people with a bleeding disorder
  • extended family and friends

In Australia there are more than 7,000 people diagnosed with haemophilia, von Willebrand disease (VWD) or other related inherited bleeding disorders.

  • Haemophilia/Carry the gene = 3,130
  • VWD = 2,460
  • Rare clotting factor deficiencies/other bleeding disorders = 1,450

Our Governance

HFV is an incorporated registered charity in Victoria and reports to the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission.

Haemophilia Foundation Australia (HFA) is the national peak body and HFV President is a member of the Council, its main governing body.

Our Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Our Vision

Connect, support and empower our community affected by bleeding disorders

Our Values

Respect, Inclusion, Leadership, Responsiveness, Integrity

Our Goals

  • Health Promotion
  • Community Wellbeing
  • Connectedness and Engagement
  • Strong Collaborative Partnerships
  • Governance & Sustainability

Our Patron

Dr Alison Street AO


Our Committee of Management


Dan Korn, President

Donna Field, Vice president

Bernard Paes, Treasurer

Leonie Demos, Executive member

Zev Fishman

Ben Inglis

Chris Phong


Our Staff

HFV has two staff:

Andrea McColl Executive Assistant

Zehra Basak Communications Officer


Our Activities

HFV’s activities focus on Health Promotion and Peer Support.


HFV Health Promotion strives to:

  • Assist people with bleeding disorders to understand and manage their physical and mental health
  • Promote integrated patient centred healthcare for people with bleeding disorders
  • Improve public understanding of bleeding disorders and the various cohorts that comprise the bleeding disorders community
  • Reduce stigma and discrimination by improving understanding within affected and the wider community
  • Promote and support other key state government department health alerts and messaging

HFV Peer Support activities:

  • Provide support, advocacy and leadership for people living with a bleeding disorder including those in vulnerable settings
  • Provide safe settings that enable peer interaction, foster peer support and facilitate connections
  • Ensure the voice of lived experience drives our work
  • Reduce the impact of stigma by building resilience and offering support
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