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Items tagged 'February 11, 2021'

HFV Committee is very disappointed to announce that the Community Camp scheduled for the weekend of March 12-14 has been postponed

The Hotel Quarantine Covid case late last week has illustrated to committee just how dangerous and unpredictable these new Covid strains in particular can be and how quickly DHHS regulations restricting gathering numbers can and need to be in place.  Accordingly, in the interests of keeping our community safe and well and to ensure we can run a full camp program with unrestricted numbers, committee has decided that it would not be appropriate to hold our camp in March as originally hoped and planned.   

We are however excited to announce a new proposed camp date on the weekend November 19-22 at Lake Dewar.  By this time committee anticipate that the Australian vaccine rollout will have been completed and community gatherings will once again be quite safe.  We will look forward to seeing you all then.  And in the meantime, be sure to keep an eye out for the HFV Magazine as well as HFV on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and announcements about related health issues and upcoming HFV programs and services.

 Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe!
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